Sunday, October 31, 2010

Swallow tattoo Design - Bird Tattoos

Swallow tattoos are steeped in history and symbolism worldwide. Thousands of people over the centuries, a small bird can be associated with health, wealth, faithfulness and rigidity over long distances. Swallow tattoo is cool and trendy these days, just like other birds, tattoo patterns , like a star tattoo nautical miles. Swallow tattoos are often associated with stars, flowers, banner, or text. Most popular parts of the body used to swallow is a tattoo, lower back hip and shoulder.
Another fact A flock of small birds in the numbering tens or hundreds of thousands on the mission in a major exhibition of work migration. The swallow is a bird that chooses a life partner. Therefore a swallow tattoo is a symbol of love and family loyalty. swallow_bird_get_a_food swallow_tattoo_desigen_on_male_forearm_bird_tattoo swallow_tattoo_design_half_sleeve_tattoos_bird_tattoo - swallow_tattoo_design_on_girl_belly_bird_tattoo - swallow_tattoo_design_on_girl_chest_bird_tattoo - swallow_tattoo_design_on_neck_bird_tattoo

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